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Horse Leadership Worldwide

Writer's picture: IsabelleIsabelle

Updated: Jul 29, 2018

Working with horses to develop leadership skills - is new to India. In Germany and 40 other countries worldwide the HorseDream concept for horse assisted education is a proven concept. I would like to share my personal experience with you...

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I am a passionate horse rider for almost 30 years. Horse riding or equestrian sport is certainly a great way to fine tune your non-verbal communication and leadership skills. Even for children this sport will influence their character in a positive way: increased determination, more focus and nurturing susceptibility for other beings. On the other hand it's a time consuming and expensive sport - national level riders would train on a near daily basis for several years before competing at National Championships.

Only a few years ago I came across the horse leadership concept. I was reading about it, skipping through some youtube videos and I was doubtful if horses could make a difference for a 1 or 2 day training workshop?

Finally I registered for a Train the Trainer workshop in Germany beginning of 2017. I thought as an experienced horse-rider I will not have any problems with the rather simple looking exercises we were asked to perform. I was wrong, and I learned a lot about myself during this workshop :)

In one of the exercises I was asked to make the horse run around me for 2 rounds, with the help of a flag. 5 minutes into the exercises I still could not encourage the horse to run, at the best he was walking, while I was running and jumping enthusiastically around the horse in the hope to spark some energy in him :) . After a few more minutes Gerhard Krebs (the founder of the HorseDream concept) asked me how this situation was applicable to my professional life? Something struck me: it was exactly the same as in the office! Just a few days prior I would run around in the office assigning some tasks to my team, follow up with everyone, pushing and trying to spark energy in some of my team members. I realized that through my behavior I only exhausted myself but failed to deliver the high level results I was aiming for, because my team members (like the horse) were not impressed by my exuberance.

I learned a big lesson that day, and I changed my leadership style after that workshop for the better. After this experience I got inspired to share this amazing training concept with professionals and leaders in India, to enable them to have a similar experience and take their leadership skills to the next level.

"Better awareness will lead to better choices, and better choices will lead to better results."

For more details please refer to:

The HorseDream concept -

International Association for Horse Assisted Education -

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