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1 million Euro for the Horse Leader
Just a few month ago the German TV-channel Sat 1 hosted a challenge called "Start Up!" to nominate the best start-up entrepreneur in...

Hindu Business Line Titles: Put the Horse before the Coach
Learn how horses can make a difference for leaders and executives - even through virtual interactions: Put the horse before the coach - A...

Change your Future
Can we change our Future? Never in History has the world changed as fast as in the past 3 Month. The #future is in the hands of leaders...

VIRTUAL LEADERSHIP Workshop - Online Training with Horse Power - Experience the new way of Phygital
This video takes you through the importance of employee engagement and reveals groundbreaking studies by Gallup, IBM and LinkedIn...

Horse Assisted Education Week - 2020
"How does working with horses enhance leadership?” The answer is that horses live in the present moment, aware of what “is”, They are...

Effective Leadership Training - what makes the difference?
A training is supposed to help us get better and gain more knowledge in the respective field, but most of the time this "learning...

Imagine - next Level of Leadership
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is extremely valuable at the workplace. It helps teams to perform better, create a positive work-evironment...

Forbes - German leadership programme with horses
Horses help leaders to improve key skills in becoming better people managers. The lessons range from analysing group dynamics and...

Human Resources Conference
What can you learn at a Conference or a Face-to-Face workshop? There are webinars, WhatsApp groups and our day's are so packed that we...

HR Leaders inspired by horses
Human Resource professionals are always looking for more effective ways to train leaders at all levels and develop the potential of their...

Development Days with Horses
A lot of people ask us: "How does this work?", "What do you do in a typical workshop?" and "What can we expect?" To answer some of these...

Innovative Workshops: elearning vs HQ
In the last years elearning platforms are booming and there is hardly any course which you cannot find as an online course: from workouts...

Outside your Comfort Zone
How often do you push yourself outside your comfort zone? All too often we stay within our zone and miss to experience the great...

Innovative Leadership Program in Bangalore
Our corporate leadership workshops with horses receive an amazing feedback from participants who are coming to our center in Chennai from...

Peyo - A horse in the Hospital
You might have seen this video on social media... when I watched it the first time, tears came to my eyes. In case you have not seen the...

Horse Whisperers in Business
Can horse whisperers improve a corporate company? I am sure you have heard of the movie "the horse whisperer" in which Robert Redford...

Traditional Business Training?
I am sure many of your have attended numerous business trainings, on how to communicate better, lead by example or get all insights on...

The big WHY
What's the reason for me to leave a great, challenging job and a wonderful team at BMW - to start my own venture with horses? People who...

Horse Leadership Worldwide
Working with horses to develop leadership skills - is new to India. In Germany and 40 other countries worldwide the HorseDream concept...
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